Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day Thirteen Lago Tamango in Cerro Castillo

Our last two days were spent at Lago Tamango over looking the Cerro Castillo mountains

 This is the place that reminded me our my childhood summer cabin at Richmond Shores, Mass.

Lake Tamago

 It rained most of the day so we walked on the country roads

Did some wash and dried it by the fire

Alex got carried away and put his underwear on top of the wood stove. It kinda sorta melted.

Here he is trying to scrap the melted parts off the top!

And now the sun came out and gave us both our wonder back.

Here is a sketch a did while looking out the window

And here is Graciela the caretaker preparing some trout that her husband caught that morning

And so after two days we flew back to Santiago for 36 hours of city time!

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