Sunday, August 9, 2020


 She wasn't sure they were listening, but in any case, the goddess of relax wasn't going to give up.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Justs in Case

Just in Case

During the process of moving I noticed something. I have a lot of stuff that I don’t really need.  Some are keepsakes, some are occasionally useful and some are just plain beautiful. But most are “just in case.”

Just in case we have a party, a holiday gathering, a new baby, a headache, or broken limb. Just in case I get around to polishing the silver or my shoes. Just in case I can’t leave my house for six weeks and don’t want to run out of tin foil. Just in case that canned octopus starts looking appealing.

Just in case we have to put 10 people up for the night during a horrible snow storm and the heat is off. Just in case I have to go to a wedding and WANT to wear the same thing I did 10 years ago. Just in case I lose 20 pounds. Just in case a grandchild is interested in my old dolls. Just in case I want write a memoire.

Just in case I die, and my kids want to finally find use in all of these things.

I will change someday after I stop planning for the just in case.

Moving the studio today.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bow Wow Theatre

I am taking an animation class called "Make it Move" with Carla Sonheim and Kara Kramer. So much fun! 

Friday, March 20, 2020

The ducks are returning!

My backyard before the coronavirus:

My backyard clean up after being forced to stay home

 And look the ducks are finally returning!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

In memory of Francoise et Simone

Here is Francoise taking her daily morning walk. I was able to walk with her in early October 2019.  Along this walk she told me about a poem that she would recite by Jacques Prévert called "Chanson Des escargots" 


A l'enterrement d'une feuille morte
Deux escargots s'en vont
Ils ont la coquille noire,
Du crêpe autour des cornes
Ils s'en vont dans le soir
Un très beau soir d'automne
Hélas ! quand ils arrivent
C'est déjà le printemps.
Les feuilles qui étaient mortes
Sont toutes ressuscitées,
Et les deux escargots
Sont très désappointés.

Jacques Prévert

Here is Francoise sewing a carrying case for her pies and quiches. She was always thinking of ways to make others happy.

This link is of my mother reciting some poetry

Home movies of the Chabal's on the 1950's

Simone and Steve in 1990

Isabel visits the USA in 1960

Francoise and Simone talk about the old days

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