Sunday, August 30, 2015
I'm Lenore Washington
I'm a bird perched on a swing,
a ladybug wandering
while he waits
for his wings.
On a raft I float, on the moon, I gloat.
I'm on fire.
I'm a dog nestled on a brand new bed,
heading to sleep after being well fed.
I'm a lion who sunbathes in the plains and free spaces.
I bend with the wind, which blows with unannounced faces.
I'm flexible. I'm confident. I'm evening out, like a picnic blanket fresh from the line,
ready for the basket and a nice glass of wine.
I'm a grand piano happy to play.
I'm colorful in spite of the black and the white
world in which some solely see.
I sneak into living rooms and bring
my friends with me.
We make music and paint pictures
and hang them on walls
that wrap their arms around us all.
I'm here with my whole heart,
with my babies and thee.
I love living this life meant