Julian of Norwich
The place which God takes in our soul he will never vacate,
for in us is his home of homes, and it is the greatest delight for him to dwell
there. . . . The soul who contemplates this is made like the one who is
contemplated. --Julian of Norwich, Showings
I sipped my coffee and awaited for something.
She walked in and I knew
it was her.
I smiled.
She smiled back.
She was a familiar stranger,
an older version of myself.
Was that her intention?
Wise, not beyond her years,
but because of them,
she wore her stories proudly, deeply.
We both knew she was there
to deliver a message, so
once she settled into her chair,
I leaned toward her green eyes,
smelling skin mixed
with summer rain.
“Go ahead,” I said. “I’m ready.”
She took my right hand
and in a voice
as clear as Quartz said,
“Do not neglect the ones you love,
for if you chase a busy life, you will end up alone.”
I sighed, and though her words
seemed so obvious, so simple,
I stood up, whispered “thank you” and went directly home.