Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jacob Needleman

The struggle to exist, to not disappear in this moment, is the advancing root of the struggle to exist throughout the whole passage of time. We need to help each other in this struggle. You by asking, I by struggling to respond. This is the law of love, which rules the universe. By Jacob Needleman

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

When I come home

Here is today's entry from our Art and Words book that is now published.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did its creation.

Last weekend I attended the SCBWII illustrators retreat. It was my first of what I hope to be many such retreats.  Coming I knew no one, but leaving I felt I made a number of friends. Coming I was insecure about my abilities, but leaving I left armed with new inspiring ideas that I can't wait to try on. So I have spent the past few days absorbing the plethora of information. Not only from the teachers, but also from my fellow students. My first order of business has been to return to this blog. My second order of business is to update add many new links, and start sharing my new work. I don't know if I will ever become a published author/illustrator but I do know that I will write and draw for the rest of my life. These activities feed my soul and consequently, make me a better person.